The fees below can be added to your estimated monthly rent to get an idea of what your approximate total monthly costs may be. Haven’t found your perfect apartment yet? Take a look at our floor plan options.
Monthly Fees
Levels of Care (One- Five)
Assisted Living – $500 per level of care
Medication Management
1-5 medications per day – $300
6-10 medications per day – $400
11+ medications per day – $500
Insulin Injections
Up to 2 per day – $300 Without sliding scale
Up to 4 per day – $500 With or without sliding scale
Second Occupant Fee
Does not include additional service fees.
One-time Fees
Community Fee
Use and maintenance of community spaces and common areas.
Pet Fee
Covers the impact of pets on community spaces and common areas.
Included Amenities
Included in the Monthly Rent
- 24-hour emergency response system (excludes Independent Living)
- 24-hour staffing
- All utilities except telephone and personal WiFi
- Apartment maintenance
- Daily activities
- Scheduled transportation
- Resident dining experience
- Housekeeping
Included Amenities
- Beauty salon and barber*
- Bistro
- Community room
- Complimentary WiFi in all common areas
- Courtyards
- Demonstration kitchen
- Wellness Center
- Library
- Private dining room
- Resident lounges
- Theater
- Washer & dryers in all apartments
Third-Party Services
- Telephone*
- Upgraded cable*
- Personal internet*
Note: these services are provided by a third-party vendor and are billed separately.